Search Results
League of Legends - Amumu Pentakill+Baron Steal EZ
Amumu 1v5 Pentakill and Baron steal
Amumu Baron Steal and PentaKill
[Subtlety] Katarina & Amumu 2v5 Baron Steal + Pentakill
Amumu Gameplay: BARON STEAL! ft. Caitlyn Pentakill
League of Victims - Amumu Baron steal
Amumu Pentakill 1v5 (ARAM)
AMUMU PENTAKILL | League of Legends
League of legends pentakill and baron Amumu solo
2100+ elo ranked Ezreal penta kill & Ezreal ulti baron steal(1490 elo premade)
Amumu Full AP Pentakill :)
amumu supp steal baron